Sunday 12th July 2009
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My last week in Norfolk has been manic with a big “M”. I really don't know how it managed to come together, but it has. Late nights and early mornings have helped as well as people from Small Group. I know a few of you have felt you should have done more but the help you gave has been an amazing help. Thank you for taking things to charity shops, to the tip, feeding me, helping me clean and being a huge emotional support.
I want to say a special thank you to Sarah – I couldn't have got through my birthday without your help. I would have crumbled under the last day of pressure. You kept lifting me each time I dropped. I was exhausted – physically and mentally and still had a hill to climb. I kept praying for more strength and it kept being given.I was late to my leaving party.
I had been joking in the week that I may not be able to make it. I didn't realise how near that was. I was pleasantly surprised how many people came. It was great to see them. When clearing my kitchen I found a half-bottle of Port and thought I'd take it with me to have. I had only had a sandwich and the drink went straight to my head. Ooops. The evening went really quick. I had invited lots of people and some didn't come which was a shame. It would have been good to spend some quality time with people as I felt I haven't done that since I've been back (well, I have with some of you but not all).
It was difficult to spend time with people at my party. I was exhausted and once I sat down people were chatting. I didn't manage to eat much. There was plenty left over which was taken to a barbeque tonight (glad it was put to good use).
I was going to go to my party and continue to tidy up then be picked up to go to the airport. Thankfully Sarah offered more help to finish off the last few bits after I'd gone. Phew. I'm never going to repeat that again – having my leaving do on the last day before moving. Not the best idea I've had but it was also my birthday and always like to have people around.
Up early this morning – was it 5am? I think so. I had arranged to meet my brother at Stansted to see him before I leave. We both were there later than planned and only had about 5/10 minutes to chat. I felt bad it wasn't longer as they'd been at the Casino the night before but it was great to see him before I went. I know it's only a short flight away but why not meet up while we still had the chance.I cannot believe I've brought 2 suitcases and posted 2 boxes of paperwork and some clothes. I cannot believe I only have one more suitcase of clothes to bring over – and alot of that space is shoes/boots and coats. Wow, talk about cutting down on my clothes. 3 wardrobes into 2 suitcases.
It feels great to be in Belfast although at the moment it feels like I'm on holiday which is great for now after the busy few weeks I had.
I had a lovely birthday meal with a cake and candles – when was the last time someone had done that for me? Some of the church plant had come over which was good to see them. Such a laugh.
The church plant aren't meeting on a Sunday yet in an official capacity but we meet up and at the moment are going to different churches and have lunch together. The church we went to today I felt very restricted and restrained – very odd feeling not being able to worship freely.
Lunch was great – good opportunity to spend a bit more time with people. They are such a great group. I'm going to enjoy getting to know them and spend more time with them.
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