I've downloaded a daily Bible reading plan application onto my blackberry in the hope that at the very least I can read something every day. Of course, that hasn't happened. I've just worked out I can go back to the days I've missed and read them. So that's what I've started to do.
One of the bible plans is "The Essential 100 Challenge". I thought it'd be good to read some of the more important verses to refresh my limited knowledge of the Bible. I try to read with an enquiring mind - not "just read" the words.
I'm sitting here with my phone, trying to find the first missed passage. Back and back I go - I'm only on day 34 but flicking back seems to take ages. Aha, found it. Day 2! Surely not! Oh, now I remember, I didn't realise you had to click the forward arrow for it to register the passage has been read. I remember reading the passage and thought I'd read it again.
I was struck by Noah and the ark. When I'd finished reading Genesis 7 it made me think about why God had felt He needed to do this. I'm not questionning the all-knowing God, but what was the world like for Him to do that? How does it compare to today's world? And the question I've heard alot - if you heard God saying build an ark, would you? Of course, He's promised to never flood the whole earth again so He'd probably never ask us to do that.
So many questions are flying around my head. The main one is - if I was asked to something out of my comfort zone - totally out of my comfort zone - how obedient would I be? What about you? Do you think you'd do it?
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