My brother, Chris, his wife, Barbie and daughter, Megan are off to Australia tomorrow. I went to see them last weekend to exchange pressies and to spend some time with them. It was strange leaving - I know I don't go down on a regular basis to see them and it may even have been over 5 months between visits but knowing it's going to be that long was difficult to leave (I know I'm being sentimental again!). I'm praying they'll have a safe and fun time with "The Blooms" (no doubt lots of fun). I only have one day left at Head Office, Friday. My notice was handed in on Monday. It was decided by the MD the best thing to do was hand in my notice and then get back in touch with him when I'm ready to come back. He said I'm well liked and if there is a job available I may be able to come back. I can understand the uncertainty but it was horrible handing in my notice. This is the first job I've had I've really enjoyed. I'm working on-site tomorrow, it'll be interesting. Apparently the woman's place is at the kitchen sink making tea/coffee. [Please let me have a serving heart tomorrow.] I don't mind making drinks for meetings or if I'm making myself one but I don't like running around all over the place making tea and coffee, especially when I'm taking a pile of typing with me.
It's really happening, I'm going to Serbia for 5 months. Sometimes it seems unreal. Things have changed a little. I no longer have a lodger so am having to leave the house empty which is a shame. It would have been great to bless someone with the house. Never mind, it all adds to the experience. God is revealing lots of his character to me - as the Provider, as the Sustainer. I've been on a roller coaster ride of emotions the last few weeks but have been putting deeper trust in Him. I still have alot to do to the house as it'd be nice to leave it sparkly (first time for everything!). At least I have 2 weeks off work before I leave so guess what I'll be doing. I'll be leaving early on the 5th January 2009. I still haven't decided the date I'll be coming back. I want to visit some friends and thought I could tag it onto the end of my time away. If you want to catch up before I leave get in touch and we'll see when we can meet up.