Friday, 27 February 2009

Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3
I had a very interesting time with 2 of the ladies from the church on Wednesday. This was my first time doing some studying with them. They are both at different levels (yes, I know we all are!). One is wanting to start reading the bible but we’re not sure if she’s given her life to Christ yet. The other lady has been a “Christian” (read on and you’ll understand the inverted comma’s) since she was young. I am very concerned about her – it seems she has a pick and mix faith and has missed/chosen not to believe a very fundamental part of the Christian faith. At least we are having some insight into what her faith is and it gives me something to pray about. I was encouraged because it was obvious we had very different views. I had been praying she wouldn’t instantly dismiss any truth – she hasn’t. I’m praying that she’ll be able to accept the truth.
Oh yes. I had my Serbian test yesterday. It was a test on the first 6 lessons in the book. I spent hours trying to revise. It has highlighted areas I need to work on. It was what I expected – cases (we don’t have an equivalent in English – noun endings change depending upon the action, I think). When using one case and making the adjectives and nouns agree I can just about manage. But give me a paragraph with words missing I need to fill in with the correct case I haven’t a clue, so I guessed! It’s difficult as there are some overlaps in the English explanation. It’s difficult when your teacher has a slightly limited command of English. She does speak good English but it would be good to have a teacher that can explain the grammar in a better way. UK schools really need to teach English grammar (or do they now? They only did the very basics, as in noun-adjective-verb. The rest I learnt whilst learning languages. I was encouraged as Tina (teacher) wasn’t too worried as I can get bye in Nis with the way I speak. I’ve just paid for another month but the lessons have reduced to 60 minutes. It means I won’t be able to finish a lesson in the book each session but it will also mean I won’t have as much to learn so I should hopefully enjoy the lessons instead of it becoming a chore.
In case I don’t get a chance to write again – Happy St David’s Day for Sunday. I’m missing my griddle. I really want to make some Welsh Cakes but cannot figure out how to cook them. Oh, I’ve had an idea which I may try – not going to lose anything. It’ll be good if it works so I can take something to church. That’s a challenge for me to find the ingredients! I’m not sure I’m going to reach the shopping lesson on my course. It should be ok as I'm looking after Milos and Iva tomorrow and they can help me make them.

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